The Combined Art Societies of Sydney...
Invites artists from member societies to participate in this Exhibition.
The Royal Art Society of NSW
25-27 Walker St, Lavender Bay
11th - 27th October, 2024
Judge - Anne Cape
Award Presentation:
Friday 11th October, 6pm - 9pm

1. ENTRIES – Entry to this Awards Exhibition is restricted to current members of the member Societies of the Combined Art Societies of Sydney Inc. A current list of members is available at http://combinedartsocieties.com/members/
Entries open 5th July
2. NO MEDIUM SECTIONS – Open to all mediums.
3. NUMBER AND SIZE OF WORKS - Each artist may submit a total of three (3) paintings. Painting no.1 from 260cm to 315cm in perimeter;
Painting no.2 up to 260cm in perimeter, and
Painting no.3 up to 230cm in perimeter (or 2x small paintings up to 120cm in perimeter each).
3 of the last two choices.
This measurement is obtained by measuring around the outside edge of the frame on the painting or, in the case of unframed canvas, around the edge of the painting.
4. ORIGINALITY – Entries must be the original work of the artist. Copies of any other person’s work or paintings produced in workshops will not be eligible for judging or inclusion.
5. ENTRY FEES – A non-refundable entry fee of $20.00 will apply for each exhibit entered, or 2x small paintings.
Exhibits must be dry and properly framed. All entries MUST have D Rings attached to the top of the frame, 5cm down from the top of the frame for hanging as well as the hanging cord.
To maintain the standard of excellence in this exhibition, poorly framed works will not be considered for judging or inclusion in the exhibition. Sides of the canvas must be painted thoroughly. Narrow edged canvases, regardless of size and shape, must be framed. Unframed, narrow edge canvases will not be accepted.
7. ENTRIES CLOSE – 13 September 2024.
8. IDENTIFICATION OF PAINTINGS – All entries must have a labeled affixed to the back stating: Artist name, Title, Medium, Art Society and Price. Another label, with the same information, is to be attached to the handing cord and long enough to be seen below the bottom on the painting when hanging. This is for hangers to ensure catalogue reference matches with artwork. Any paintings not complying to this requirement will not be accepted on the day.
9. COMMISSION – 35% commission will be charged on all sales. All works entered must be for sale.
10. GST COMPLIANCE – At the time of printing this form, CASS is not registered to collect GST. Therefore, as an artist, if you are registered for GST, please include the 10% GST in your listed price, and CASS will pay the relevant amount of GST to you along with any money owing to you from the sale of paintings.
11. WITHHOLDING TAX - The Australian Taxation Department requires CASS to withhold 48.5% of money owing to an artist as a result of a painting being sold unless the artist has quoted an ABN, or is a hobbyist as defined under the Act. Please ensure you have completed the Artist's Declaration in full on the Entry Form and included a "Statement by Supplier" Form, if you are claiming to be a Hobbyist.
12. INSURANCE – The Combined Art Societies of Sydney Inc will take all reasonable care with all exhibits submitted, but will not be responsible for loss of, or damage to, any such work while in their custody. Exhibitors requiring insurance should make their own arrangements in regard to this matter.
13. DELIVERY – Sunday 6th October between 10am to 3pm to The Royal Art Society of NSW, 25-27 Walker St, Lavender Bay. All entrants are responsible for delivery of paintings. No payments will be made by the CASS committee for freight or other fees incurred during delivery and / or return of paintings.
14. COLLECTION AT COMPLETION – Sunday 27th October between 2pm to 3pm OR Monday 28th October 10am to 4pm from The Royal Art Society of NSW, 25-27 Walker St, Lavender Bay.
15. PUBLICITY – The committee reserves the right to allow reproduction by the CASS, the media or TV, and the CASS official photographer, of any entry accepted for hanging.
16. ROSTER – There will be no roster work required.
EMAIL ENQUIRIES – Exhibition Manager combinedsocieties@yahoo.com.au
PLEASE SEND YOUR ENTRY FORM ONCE ONLY - do not email, then post your Entry Form
¯¯¯ AWARDS ¯¯¯
2nd PRIZE - $250
3rd PRIZE - $150