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Art Gallery

online exhibition

Showcasing RAS Member Artworks from 2024

July: Pets & Animals

August: Sketch A Day

September: In the Cafe, At the Beach

October: Inktober 

November: Buildings

To enter:

Email your jpeg image to

Entries will be judged at the end of each month and the winning entry will be awarded a $25 voucher from Eckersley's Art Store 

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August Art Challenge
Congratulations to Christine Langdon for her entry "Apples" in our August Art Challenge.
Thank you to our Committee Member Rob Wale for judging this Art Challenge.
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July Pet/Animal Art Challenge

Congratulations to Harry Tolitsas for his entry No. 5 for our July Pet/Animal Art Challenge.

Many thanks to Kathy Neilson, our Patron for her judging of this Art Challenge.

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