members gallery.
Showcasing a selection of RAS members’ work.
Our members welcome your enquiries about sales and commissions of their work.
Best, Alana
Landscapes – Oil Painting:
Alana Best – Coming from a graphic design background, painting for me can be meditative and stimulating. I enjoy the search for subject matter, the observation, the planning, as much as the application and development of shape and form to canvas.
I am strongly drawn to the natural elements – the earth, the sea and the sky. Depicting distance, direction or space to subtly lure the onlooker holds the common thread in most of my paintings.

Burman ,Helen
Mosaics -- Acrylic -- Watercolour Painting
I began my art journey in 2018 when I tried making a mosaic. I loved the process, colours and diversity of materials. I felt the need to learn some art theory & techniques to improve my skill, so attended several acrylic painting lessons in 2019 where we painted impressionist paintings in a day. I loved this medium as well and continued in it, as well as taking up watercolors. I've sold my mosaics and acrylic paintings in exhibitions, and on Etsy. This year was a highlight winning a ribbon at the Sydney Easter Show. My website is mosaicswithamessage.com

Castellanos, Teresa
Ceramics – Mixed Media – Painting – Printing
B.Ed (Art)
M.Ed (Leadership)
Teaching with NSW DET for over 32 years as a High School Art Teacher, Head Teacher Visual and Performing Arts, and Deputy Principal. Practising artist since 1990’s— creating and exhibiting own art works; ran a co- operative gallery in Blue Mountians; curating exhibitions and creating murals. Since then has continuously exhibited art works and ceramics in various galleries/art spaces and group exhibitions. Teaching and tutoring adults in Ceramics and Painting— currently teaching adults painting at The Coast Centre, Little Bay, and creating murals. Also curating exhibitions for the art groups that she tutors in various locations. Recent works are in 2D and 3D media—painting, mixed media, ceramics, photography and print making.

Anderson ,Aileen
Acrylic & Oil Painter - Educator
Landscapes, Seascapes, Figurative
& Contemporary Impressionism
I have always loved drawing, painting, sewing, creating, and learning. Even if I didn't know how to do something I would always give it a go.
As a lifelong learner, educator, and artist I have always loved the opportunity to capture and translate my everyday experiences, moments, memories, and special places into works of art.
I have been teaching for over twenty years as a Classroom and Visual Arts teacher in NSW Public Schools.
My approach to each piece is constantly evolving as I try to capture and explore how I feel about places, people, and memory. I hope each painting gives people a sense of joy, happiness, light, colour, and connection.
Website: https://aileenanderson.com.au/

Calvert, Anastasiia
Watercolour – Oil – Acrylic –
Abstract and Modern Expressionist
Anastasiia Calvert is a Ukrainian-born Australian fine artist and entrepreneur, director and founder of Anastasia Gallery https://anastasiagallery.com.au who is best known for her abstract and modern expressionist artwork and a strong advocate of the empowerment of women. With an affixation of mother nature and woman, Anastasiia creates a montage of themes including plants, body, desire, mystery and ambiguity. “In today’s age of expressionism, art is ever more a powerful tool”, the artist has said. “My mantra is to articulate the emotions and impulses inherent in a woman”. From the age of 7, she had been exposed to fine arts with direct tutelage from some of the best Ukrainian artists the likes of Viktor Chumachenko and Natalya Boychuk. Born on March 27, 1991 in Svetlovodsk, Ukraine as Anastasiia Chaikovska and having graduated with a Bachelor and Master’s degree in Fine Arts in 2014 Ukraine, she emigrated to Sydney, Australia in 2019 as a young woman Anastasiia resides in Sydney Eastern Suburbs with her Husband and Daughter. She continues to paint in watercolour, oil and acrylic painting in a variety of styles including abstract expressionism, erotic, figurative, surrealism and conceptual art.

Chan, Lydia
Landscapes – Seascapes – Still Life – Watercolour
Painting in WATER COLOUR medium has always fascinated me. With its luminous and fluidity, captured my attention. The radiance and spontaneity of water-colour paints, are 2 of the most attractive qualities. Although, many shy away from water-colour because it is a difficult medium to handle, I took it up as a challenge. I am pleased I did not give up, but with my determination; I read Art Books, watched painting demonstrations, joined some Art Groups, and lots of practices. Step by step I am enjoying water-colour. My Art reflects the creativity of God and His Love for beauty and perfection.

Coelho, Maria
Landscapes – Seascapes – Mediterranean Scenes –
Still Life – Acrylic Painting
Maria Coelho’s passion for art began after her retirement. Training at the Waverley Art Centre, attending various types of visual art workshops, and with support from an inspirational mentor/art teacher, she made steady progress. Maria mainly works with acrylics in a semi-realistic style to produce landscapes, still-life, seascapes and Mediterranean scenes from favourite photos. She continues to experiment at home and in South Sydney Junior’s Club Art Classes. Maria is a founding member of the Randwick Art Society, as well as an active participant and exhibitor. Art is important to Maria because it’s an interesting way to pass the time and express her creativity. Her favourite Australian artist is Margaret Olley.

Cook, Janice
Landscapes – Abstract –
Watercolour Painting – Acrylic Painting
My creative activities began with embroidery, which I always enjoyed. Then, about 10 years ago I was introduced to watercolour painting at Alice Springs Caravan Park, where I had my first lesson. Since then I have attended lessons at the Little Bay Coast Centre for Seniors in watercolour and enjoy the medium. Janice was elected the Assistant Secretary of Randwick Art Society for 2019.

Convy, Paul
Mixed media – Assemblage
I am a long-time Coogee resident and a librarian, but happily retired, I am perusing my creative interests. My main art education has come from a life-time visiting art galleries around the world. I prefer avant-garde, abstract and experimental works. I have used different media including acrylics, but really enjoy experimenting with mixed media and assemblage, especially found objects. Some favourite artists include
Marcel Duhamp, Kazimir Malevich and Australians Robert Klippel, Rosalie Gascoigne, Gerald and Magot Lewers, and Colin Lanceley.
I joined the Randwick Art Society during lock-down and enjoy the welcoming and supportive company of its members.

Cahill, Ann
Oil Painting - Impressionist Style
Ann has attended art schools at Charles Sturt University and is currently in her final year of a four year Fine Arts (online) course.
Ann works in oils in an impressionist style and it is the effect of light on a subject that inspires her. It gives her paintings a sense of time, mood and atmosphere.
Awards include many judge and people choice prizes including First in the Waverley Art Prize (acrylics) 2009 and most recently a First and People’s Choice in Randwick Council’s 2023 International Women’s Day Art Prize, plus Best in Show at The Randwick Art Society's Annual Art Exhibition 2023.

Widolf, Marie
Acrylic– Watercolour– Gouache–Pen & Ink
Marie Widolf is a Sydney-based illustration-artist and writer. With a teaching degree she has taught art at secondary level, in the disabilities field, and at the Junction Neighbourhood Centre, Randwick. A RAS Committee Member since 2015; Marie organises weekly art activities for members at Little Bay, and publishes RAS activities on social media.
Marie works in mixed media and her whimsical illustrations of animals and humans can be found in various publications, and in collections in Australia and overseas. She has held three solo exhibitions featuring her cartoon-character Gertrude – The Gal That Couldn’t Cook.

Egan, Heather
Painting –Printmaking – Drawing
Collage – Photography
Heather Egan graduated from the National Art School Sydney in 2011 majoring in painting. She is an artist working across a number of disciplines, including painting, printmaking, drawing, collage, photography/digital. She has exhibited her work in wide number of art prizes and exhibitions including Waverley Art Prize, Paddington Art Prize, Waterhouse Natural Science Prize, Fishers Ghost Art Prize and Hunters Hill Art Prize. She has taught art in local community centres and has been involved with the Randwick Art Society since 2015 being a member of the Committee in 2019 and Secretary from 2020 to 2022.
​website: www.heathereganart.com

Fox, Dina
Landscapes – Animals – Flowers –
Figures – Watercolour Painting
I have always felt drawn to Art since I was a child; more recently I realised that my main attraction was to watercolour. I started joining classes a long time ago and always kept on painting no matter where family life took me. I paint anything really; landscapes, animals, flowers, people in crowds or individually. For a short period I took classes in pastels, however the art of watercolour drew me back.

Hereth, Heidi
Landscapes – Seascapes –
Watercolour Painting – Acrylic Painting
Heidi Hereth has lived in the Randwick-Coogee area for over 40 years. Graduating from Randwick College of TAFE with a Diploma of Graphic Design in 1971 led to a career as an Art Director and freelance graphic designer. In 1981 she started teaching graphic design at Randwick College of TAFE on a part-time basis. From 1993 she taught full-time at the Enmore Design Centre till her retirement in 2011. Heidi became an exhibiting member of the Royal Art Society of NSW in 1980 and has participated in their exhibitions since that time. She has also had many solo exhibitions and her work is represented in private collections in Paris, Germany, England Thailand and Australia. Throughout her life Heidi has pursued her passion for the sea and the beach, drawing and painting its many moods in watercolour both above and below the surface. Coogee Beach has become her studio, where she sketches the sunbathers and produces plein-air paintings predominantly in watercolour and also in acrylic.

Hughes, Shirley
Asian Style Paintings – Landscapes –
Oil Painting – Acrylic Painting – Pastels
Shirley Hughes – excelled in art at school. She later attended classes at Waverley-Woollahra Art School and Studio 70 Vaucluse. Shirley has exhibited widely over the years, including in exhibitions at the CASS Art of Sydney Award, the Sydney Royal Easter Show, Maroubra Village Green, Waverley Library, Maroubra Library, Randwick Council Women’s International Day, as well as at Kiama and Blackheath, NSW. Shirley has received a number of awards for her paintings.
Shirley’s painting style is traditional, modern, hard edge and decorative. She works in oils, acrylics and pastels; and specialises in children’s portraiture, beach and garden scenes, flowers, birds, animals and Asian style paintings. Shirley is an original member of Randwick Art Society Inc. She designed the Randwick Art Society’s logo in 2009.

Jary, Eve
Acrylic Painting –
Photography -- Instillation -- Design
Born and raised in Sydney’s eastern suburbs, Eve draws inspiration from the natural beauty of the surrounding ocean and parklands. While working as a scientist she has pursued her artistic journey by experimenting with different media types; traditional painting, photography, installation and design, enabling her to use diverse ways to express her vision. Acrylic painting is her favoured media and she uses it to fuse real and imagined landscapes, taking the viewer on a journey to places of inspiration, reflection and meditation. She has exhibited her work at Group art shows, particularly those held by The Randwick Art Society.

Kapodistrias, Maria
Abstracts – Portraits –
Figurative Painting – Acrylic Painting
Maria’s preferred medium is Acrylic however she likes variety and has dabbled in inks, oils and watercolour Maria has exhibited in the all-female group WIPAS at Bondi Pavilion Gallery and as a member of Randwick Art Society in their group exhibitions at Sydney Children’s Hospital Randwick, Prince of Wales Hospital Randwick, Prince Henry Centre Little Bay, Bondi Pavilion Gallery, CASS Art Direct Randwick, and the CASS Annual Exhibition Maritime Museum, Darling Harbour, Saint Cloche Art Gallery Paddington, Maria has also been a featured artist at a group exhibition at the Ashfield Baptist Homes. Maria joined Randwick Art Society (RAS) in 2014 and was elected as a committee member. She was then elected President of Randwick Art Society in 2017 till 2020 and she continues to be an active committee member to date.

Koeppl, Kurt
Watercolour Painting – Abstract Expressionism
Living in ‘sub-tropical’ Maroubra, Kurt has painted most of his life and many of his friends have his work hanging on their walls. Trained in the graphic arts, with a solid foundation in drawing and colour knowledge, and working commercially, there were often conflicts and confusion between the graphic commercial work and the freedom of expression in the fine arts. Dappling in many mediums and genres over the years, watercolour has become Kurt’s preferred modus operandi. Initially painting traditionally, capturing the reflections of romantic cities and beautiful seascapes of Sydney beaches. Kurt’s current abstract and expressionist work reflects the world around us, evokes emotions, conversation and encourages viewers to determine their own interpretation.

Koeppl, Niki
Figurative Watercolour Painting –
Portraits – Animal Portraits – Caricatures – Sculpture
Nikola Koeppl is a Sydney based, Australian Artist. Graduating from the National Art School in 2004 with a BFA majoring in Sculpture, Niki primarily works as a Watercolourist with a subject matter based on the human form exploring the structure and patterns of the body and expression while mastering the fluidity of watercolours. As a freelance artist, Niki regularly receives work for portrait commissions, teaches adult art classes at her studio in Matraville, is a Disability support teacher through NDIS and TAFE (art tutoring), professionally runs art workshops across various art businesses and has worked as a Sales Consultant for National Art Materials since 2008. Niki has been on the RAS committee since 2016 -22. She has been a recipient of a number of art awards and has exhibited works in several group Art Exhibitions as well as having a successful solo Art Exhibition in 2022.
Paula Service
Landscapes – Seascapes –
Oil Painting – Acrylic Painting – Watercolour –
I am mainly a self-taught artist painting in oils, sometime acrylics and now venturing into watercolours, however I have attended art classes in Canada, with Royal Art Society NSW and Julian Ashton Art School Sydney. For most of my life I have painted (where time allowed). Now retired, I am able to devote more time to my painting passion. By carefully observing nature I enjoy portraying the coastline and beaches of Eastern NSW. I am fascinated with, and moved by, the beauty and diversity of the landscape and enchanted by the sea in all it’s moods.

Patricia Reid
Landscapes – Seascapes –
Figurative Painting – Oil Painting
Patricia Reid has always loved Art. She studied art at school. However, upon leaving school, marrying and having four children Art was put on hold until 1968 when she joined South Sydney Juniors Intra Art Club. Patricia has studied with several different Tutors and attended many courses over the years. She has experimented with various mediums and decided that oils is her preferred method. Patricia has also participated in many group exhibitions and has won several awards.
Patricia is a founding member of Randwick Art Society and was an elected President for 3 years from 2010-2012. She was a 2019 committee member and the Public Officer, and in 2020 is an elected committee member and the Public Officer for the Society.

Judie Bode
Figurative, Portraits–
Watercolours, Oil Painting
Having graduated from the National Art School I have pursued an interest in painting portraits of both human and animals. Influenced by international travels I prefer a contemporary, colourful, light and active style.
Randwick Art Society provides a welcoming and supportive atmosphere where valued friendships have been made. Serving on the Committee is a pleasure, we work hard to provide group exhibitions, workshops, demonstrations and excursions for our members. I am currently the Vice President and we encourage and promote excellence to all of our members.
Randwick Art Society Inc is an active member with the Combined Art of Sydney Society which enables our Society to participate in exhibitions throughout the Metropolitan basin.

Rachel Rae
Moving to Coogee after growing Melbourne and living overseas for many years, Rachel Rae was awestruck by the vibrancy of colour of the Sydney coast and she has always been drawn to the ocean. Colour, movement, patterns, and memory intertwined with human connections with the coastal environment are encapsulated in Rachel Rae’s artworks. Inspired by the vibrant hues and patterns of the Australian landscape, Rachel invites viewers to dive into her sensory snapshots, hearing waves, feeling breeze, and smelling the salty air.